Friday, April 22, 2011

Welcome to Yakima!

Dave's new school and home for the next 2 years
We drove into Yakima April 8th and said "Hello" to our new home. We drove around for a while getting a lay of the land and then off to bed to prepare for another exciting day!

April 9th we were able to participate in an open house for Dave's new school. He was introduced to soon-to-be classmates and I was introduced to their spouses! They have a spouses club and there are children around the ages of our boys! I am so excited to already be a part of something in Yakima. 

The boys are overjoyed to be able to play outside! They even have an out door playground at a local McDonald's. Although it is REALLY windy this time of year, the boys enjoy running in the sun.

The layout of Yakima makes it seem very large, but from what I gather it is smaller then Anchorage. I only drove around Yakima for a couple days so I will be able to get a better feel for it this fall. They do have some neat stores I am excited to explorer. 

One thing we were not expecting was the amount of families that would be attending Dave's school in this new year. Finding a house is going to be a little more challenging then we had planned. We decided to break down and buy and iPhone with plan. This way we could check for rentals while on the road this summer and I would be able to update on facebook keeping friends and family in the loop of what was going on.  The good news is, that we have found a couple rentals and sent in applications for them.

We are not worrying, we know God will provide the perfect home for our family.  Matthew
He is a happy happy boy

Snuggle Buggles is his name!

Caleb is growing like a little weed! He is rolling from tummy to back, almost back to tummy and he is able to twist and turn himself in circles while on the floor. He has started teething, but he is taking it like a champ. He is a good road trip baby. Benn is able to entertain him while we drive, Caleb adores his big brothers! He has his favorite toy, an Elephants, that hangs with him in his car seat while we drive. He enjoys talking to him loudly while we travel.

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