Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Christmas break!

Morning Snuggles in our feeted PJs!! Benn got me some for Christmas!
 Dave got two weeks off of school and it was wonderful!! We got a lot of things done around the house, Dave did some minor repairs on the van, we finished up Christmas shopping, we did some hiking and biking, we celebrated Bennjamin's birthday and the birth of Jesus, some of my family visited and left and of course we had some great friends over to play games. All in all we had a busy but relaxing two weeks!!

 I mentioned before, but we are a board game playing kind of family, nothing beats sitting around the table playing a game listening to little giggles as your salary card gets swiped while playing "Life", or you get knocked back to start when playing "Trouble" or when watching you go to jail in "Monopoly" So guess what this family did on New Years Eve?? Yep, thats right we ate special snacks and played a game of "Life"  and "Operation." 
Daddy practicing his surgery skills during a game of operation.

 We enjoyed a quick jaunt out to Cowiche Canyon. It is a local trail right in the heart of Yakima. It was a very easy hike that we could have taken our stroller on and it is local and easy enough that the boys and I could do it if we wanted while Dave is in school.
 The boys enjoy collecting sticks and throwing rocks in any body of water. If we let them they could spend hours throwing rocks in water. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?

My little rock climbers

Grandpa and his boys

Just a couple snap shots from when my family was here!
 So here I sit blogging with one day left of this wonderful vacation. I am super excited for the new year of 2012 and I can not wait to see what God does. 

Fell asleep sitting up in bed

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