Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 6 DONE!

We started school this week!! Benn loves school and is eager to learn!
 Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Baby Loves corn on the cob

GLORY TO GOD!! We give glory to HIM. He is the reason we are here in med school and He is the reason Dave is doing phenomenal in school. He is the reason I feel like a super mom and have not pulled out my hair. God is the reason Dave has awesome guys to study with and God is the reason I can home school my boys AND keep the house in order. God is the reason. . . if it were not for Him. . .well. . .I do not want to think about it.
Benn helping Daddy replace the brakes
God is the reason Dave can work on our vehicles, not only are we saving a LOT of money, but we also do not have to hassle with dropping off our only car to a mechanic and trying to get it back.
Josiah is also starting school. Pre-school!!
Some of you may be asking: "Why have the Abel's choose to home school?" The simple answer is, This is what God is asking us to do.
However, more on this topic in another blog.

The boys both started soccer and are enjoying their time on the field.They are both full of energy and love to run and run!
Benn's team is the "Green Tigers"
Josiah's team is "The Blue Big Guys" 

Benn loves to build things with his Legos. So the other day him and I built this super cool tower to touch the ceiling!!! Glory to God for holding it up so I could snap a picture.

We are doing better then we deserve and guess what? It is all because God has blessed us. As Dave and I strive to instill God based values and disciple our children, we want them to know that we do NOTHING on our own power, but EVERYTHING is done in Gods Power.


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