Friday, June 1, 2012

Guess who turned 4!!

 My little Josiah is 4 now!!
Birthday breakfast!
 For dinner we went to Red Robin and enjoyed the staff singing happy birthday to Josiah.
He then enjoyed his Ice Cream Sundae!

 We had a birthday party for our sweet boy the day after and he enjoyed running and jumping in his new backyard with all his friends! He requested a Fin McMissle cake for his birthday and I attempted.

 He also learned to ride his bike with out training wheels on his birthday!! Just the other day he started to go off jumps like his daddy. He is a little wobbly but he LOVES it!!! Look out world!!
Dear Josiah, You are an adventurous little boy with happy a heart that shows from the big smile on your face. You are a persistent little go getter that does not like to stop when on a mission. Your determination is going to carry you far if you allow Jesus to hold your hand a long the way. My prayer for you is to give Jesus your heart and to follow him with the same persistence and determination I see in you every day. As you grow physically I pray that you grow spiritually as well learning to Love Jesus Christ and trust him with all of your heart, soul and mind. I am excited to watch you grow, I am excited to help you learn, I am just excited to be your mommy and I thank God everyday that he gave you to me. He never fails to teach me something new through you.
I love you little monkey!
Your mommy

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