Friday, July 29, 2011

Huntington, Oregon

For reasons I am not sure,  after we left Uncle Bobs cabin I put my camera away and did not very many pictures. I think the excitement was building so intensely of us getting to Yakima, taking pictures did not cross my mind.

After we left Uncle Bobs we drove down through Twin Falls, ID to meet up with Dave's cousin Drew. Drew is the last person to meet in Dave's entire family. The only person who I was not able to meet was Grandpa Breckenridge who died when Dave was in his late teens.
We met Drew at McDonalds and while the kids played Dave and Drew had a chance to catch up. Drew is currently going to college in Twin Falls and also works for the local fire department as  an EMT. He is working on getting accepted to a Parametric school.

We headed out to Huntington, Oregon after that for our LAST night of camping!! I was so excited!

A little background: We had NEVER seen the house waiting for us in Yakima. We saw a couple of pictures over email and we had been communicating with the Landlords over email. They were sweet and held the place for us over the summer while we traveled and overall we had a really nice experience with them. We really felt the Lord asking us to lean into him on this and trust him. He gave us a supernatural peace and in faith we took the step and made the deposit on the house. Knowing full well the possibility of it being a total dump. But we had faith.

We found our campsite in Farewell Bend State Park and set up camp. The boys played football while I made dinner. We ate, took showers and were off to bed. While the campground was really nice, the bathrooms were full of NASTY creepy crawlers! I put on a brave face for the kiddos and dealt with it but I was glad we were only there for ONE night.

Morning came early, we were up by 8am but nobody was complaining. We wanted to get home!!!!! (I can not help but put tons of exclamations marks. We were so excited!)
We packed up and were out in record time. We decided that breakfast out was a necessary treat, kind of like an end of trip celebration.

When we arrived at Oregon Trail Diner in Baker City, OR for breakfast we were please to notice that we jumped back another hour. So we got up by 8am and were seated at our breakfast table at 8:30am. How is that for fast. WAHOO! :)

The Oregon Trail Diner was amazing! The TWO waitresses were SUPER friendly and the food was amazing! It was the best breakfast we had devoured on the whole road trip. The coffee was YUM and my cup was never empty. The meals were filling and delicious and the price was cheap! Just the way we like it. 

The boys polished off their entire breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, chocolate milk and apple juice. That says a lot since our boys are not big breakfast eaters.

After breakfast we said Thank You and were on our way. . .our way home. I can believe I am typing that. 

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