Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday to me??

Grammy made me a yummy Chocolate cake for my birthday!! Thank you Grammy!!
June 26th
27 years old? Really? WOW! I am blessed. . .
I am the wife to amazing man and I have 3 beautiful children. Ten years ago at 17 years old I had no idea where I end up. I knew I wanted to be married at some point with kids in the future but I did not know the plans the Lord had for me. I am thrilled to be where I am today!
        Thank you Lord for your provision over the past 27 years. You know me and you know the number of hairs on my head, you knitted me together in my mothers womb 27 years ago and you know exactly the plans you have for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a hope and a future. You delight over me and loved me even in the rough times. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. I am a Child on the most high God and I am thankful to be yours! Thank you Lord for 27 years of life. I give you the next, however many, to you as well. I praise your name! Amen.

My Birthday started off right! A fresh warm cup of coffee brought to me in bed by my hubby! 

Later in the day Sarah and I took the boys to the park to play and then to the famous Creamy for an ice cream treat. The creamy is another childhood memory of Daves and we indulged each time we go to Northfield.
The boys enjoying their ice cream

While the boys napped I took a beautiful bike ride up to New Hampshire and around the beautiful C.S Lewis College Campus there in Northfield. It was a gorgeous ride and I fell in love with Northfield a little more! Poppy and Grammy took me out to the yummy China Gourmet Resturant in Greenfield, MA where they served Sushi! OH IT WAS SO GOOD!! 
I love these two sweet people!

This kid enjoys sushi with me

Cutie pa-tootie

Don't these two dishes looking amazing! Above is a Hawaiian Roll with California rolls underneath. (Benn eats the California Rolls.) Below is a roll called the Lion King. I love how they decorate the plates. I am craving sushi now as I am type up this blog.
Thank you Megan for introducing me to sushi. I hope we can go out and enjoy it together sooner rather then later! :)
After dinner we took our boys, Sarah and her Boys out to the drive-in movies to see Cars 2!! It was the best ending to the best birthday!

This is the fortune Dave received out of his fortune cookie at Dinner. I thought it was appropriate for our travels this summer!! We have been to many places and part of us we have left at each place. Maybe a few socks too. ;)
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