Thursday, April 25, 2013

He always provides

 Matthew 6:26-30 

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?


The story I am about to write is one I have heard over and over again. Something I have lived out on a daily basis, something I strive to teach my children but on a continually basis I am beginning taught the same song and dance over and over again.

God ALWAYS provides 

The story really begins the day I was born. . . the story continues through adolescence and on into adulthood. 

He always provides. 

But the story became real to me in 2010 when we put our home of 6 years on the market to be sold. We moved into our home in 2005 as a newlywed couple and brought home 2 children to that home and I hoped, at that time, we would be able to bring home number 3 before moving out.
Our house was listed in March 2010 with a well known realtor in the Anchorage area, nothing happened and after 6 months we decided to go with our gut and leave the realtor and list with a close friend of ours who is also a realtor. September to November our house was being shown almost once a week. My due date for baby Abel #3 came and went, we had an offer on our home and we went into contract. But God had perfect timing and the man buying our home gave us until the end of December to move out. Plenty of time to have a baby, pack a house, celebrate Christmas and move. In literally that order. Number 3 was born on Dec 8th and I started packing Dec 10th. We had my ENTIRE family to our, almost, packed home for Christmas Day and on Dec 28th we locked the door and walked out of of our home for the last time. I was able to bring home baby #3 to that house, just like I had hoped for.

God Provided.

Back up just a little. . . 

We had no where to go. . . we were planning on moving to Yakima, but we still had 3 months before we drove out of Alaska. Finding a short term rental, month to month lease with a dog was proving to be difficult. 

I picked up the phone and called a dear friend of mine, crying, I told her our situation and we prayed on the phone for God to work a miracle. This phone call was on Dec 20th. We had to be out of the house Dec 28th. 

Our friend called one of her friends who happened to have a rental property in Anchorage. Dave talked with the landlord and it was set we had a place to move for the next 3 months. The best part was that this landlord and his wife became one of our closest friends and we are still really great friends to this day.
God Provided!

After we left Anchorage in March we headed out for a Summer long road trip not having a place to call home at the end of the summer in Yakima where Dave would be attending school. About May we found a house that would work for us, but we did not plan to be in Yakima until July. The landlords were willing to hold the rental on Morning side drive for 3 months with a small security deposit.
God provided!

While living his Yakima we met wonderful friends through Dave's school, church and Young Life. One of these friends had a rental property that had a fenced in backyard and with Caleb starting to get around I knew this would be a wonderful thing. After being in Morning Side for a year we decided to pack up our family and move up the street to a smaller house with a large fenced in yard for less rent.
It was beautiful to see God provide the fenced yard in his perfect timing.  

Well, now our two years in Yakima are up and we received official news that we would be returning home to Alaska in May 2013. We are very excited about this move,  but this move came with a lot of reservations. We know that the rent in Alaska is double what we pay here for less of a house. After a lot of prayer we knew that our only need was to have a fenced in yard and a garage. Everything else beyond that was going to be a bonus. We began our search in January and it was hard to see what was being offered. We kept our hearts and minds focused on God and what he had for us. We continued to pray for a fenced yard and maybe a garage. 

On a side note a friend of mine called and told me the house next to her was vacant. (We will call this house Yellow) I loved the idea. But I knew that it would be out of our price rang and I continued to look on craigslist.  My friend decided to write to the owner of the home but still I knew it was a far fetched idea and continued to look.  

Then it happened. I found a home that would work for us (I will call this house Green) and it was in our budget. I put in an application and hoped for the best. 

Lots of prayer. . . lots of wonder. . . lots of tears. . . but most of all prayer.
I had to trust God to provide exactly what we needed.
Remember all we NEED is a roof over our heads and that can be provided in so many different ways. I know deep in my heart that our friends would never leave us homeless, I knew that God would provide a roof, even if it was under someone elses roof.

The owner of that Yellow House called Dave!! He wanted to rent us his home!!

That same night the owner of the Green house called us and told us we had been approved to rent her home!!

Both of these homes landed in our budget!

For many reasons, we chose the Yellow House. The perfect house for us. It has a fenced in backyard and a garage. 

Everything else in this house is a bonus. . . a bonus only God could provide. The timing of how everything happened was something only an all knowing God can do. The generosity of the gentleman renting his house to us is only because God softened his heart to bless us in an awesome way. 

I sit in awe of the story I just told. I left out many details but the message of my story is one of an awesome and all knowing God. A God who knows our hearts desire, but provides in His time and in His plan rather than ours. He molded and shaped my heart to fit into his perfect plan; it is good.

  I am in love with a powerful God who knows better then I do.
Learning this is something I work through each day and I am not sure if I will ever learn it fully. But maybe this keeps me on my toes, begging him to intervene asking him to provide, raising my hands, palms up, offering up nothing in hope that He is going to, once again, be my everything.

He knows our desires. . . he knows our heart.
He is Good all the time. 



One more bonus! This house happens to be right next door to this beautiful family!! 

We are EXCITED!!!  






1 comment:

  1. The right house for the right price AND awesome neighbors...that is a blessing indeed! just need a partner in crime... ;)
