Sunday, February 5, 2012


 If you would have told me in High School that I would get to go the prom later in life with the love of my life I would have laughed. But that is exactly what I got to do!
Dave and I went to prom. I would have to say it was a lot better then high school prom! I did go with a good guy, back in high school, who respected me but I was nervous and uncomfortable. But to go to prom with Dave was amazing! Great conversation, wonderful dancing, goofy dancing and not out to prove anything just enjoy each other!

 We doubled with one of Dave study buddys Nick and Nicks wonderful wife Samantha! We had an enjoyable evening that started with dinner at 5 North. Dave enjoyed a tender steak, Nick had flavorful duck and Samantha and I had Mahi Mahi and it was amazingly seasoned with a creamy sauce. Everything was cooked and presented lovely!
Samantha getting her feet massaged in between dances.
 We arrived at the dance 30 mins late. . . to find only a few people seated around tables. We thought we were in for a dud of an evening so the four of us found a table and began playing Yuker. (It is a card game) Before we new it the room was crowed and the dance floor hoping!
 As I entered the dance floor I felt out of my element. A sweet friend of mine who is a fellow young life leader yelled out "Pretend you are at Young Life!!!!" Say no more, I danced!! I danced like everyone around me was at a young life camp. I suppose this statement only makes sense if you are in Young Life, but I am sure there are a few of you reading this and nodding your head in total agreement with me! HERE IS TO ALL MY YOUNG LIFE!

 AAAWWW I love Nick and Samantha! SO CUTE

It was a masquerade

I sure do love this man!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


 Snow does not stick around in Yakima for very long. A sad truth that we will just have to deal with, especially since Anchorage is getting a record snow fall this year.
However, we have decided to make the best of it. SOOOOOO this past weekend we headed towards the mountains and found a wonderful sledding spot. It is a place where the road construction crews keep piles of gravel and dirt. PERFECTION!

 Getting some air!

 Baby was NOT thrilled with the snow at all! He did NOT want to be set down in it and detested the noise the sled made when pulled across the snow/ice. So I held him; but he did go down twice on my lap and he was okay with that.

Notice the blue sky

my snow babies!

JJ catching air

Benn catching air!

Now notice the GRAY sky!

 On the way towards White Pass from Yakima there is an elk reservation so we stopped to see THOUSANDS of ELK!!

Can not tell but there are Elk as far as the eye can see!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Tonight while preparing dinner I was ambushed by two stealthy little men dressed in super hero costumes. Bullets were flying, I was dodging; I was sure my life had ended. Before I knew it, the war was over. . . my little "enemies" had run out of ammo. I am safe for now, but you better believe me when I said, I am a mama packing heat now.

I love Nerf wars!